PriceR 4950
To provide key non financial staff with a thorough understanding of core financial concepts critical to managing a business or department. Delegates on this programme will gain insight into their organisation’s key financial measures and will be able to participate meaningfully in any information sharing exercises as well as contribute towards the better running of the business.
- Inputs from course facilitator
ii. Case studies and group discussion
iii. Company related exercises
Course duration is two days. Presented in company.
Supervisory staff, shop stewards and any other key members of staff who read monthly financial reports or with whom financial information is shared. A minimum of Grade 10 literacy level is recommended.
Section 1Return on Investment
Lecture 1Return on Assets
Lecture 2The Income Statement
Lecture 3The Balance Sheet
Section 2The Assets we Manage and Cash Flow
Lecture 4Managing Non-Current Assets
Lecture 5Managing Stock
Lecture 6Managing Debtors
Lecture 7Profit vs. Cash Flow
Section 3Focus On Our Company
Lecture 8Company specific financial documents and measures
Lecture 9Share Incentive Schemes