The programme is intended for business professionals and executives who want a deeper understanding of the legal environment within which those charged with the responsibility of leading an enterprise must operate.
Module A: Legal Aspects
Laws affecting the business environment
Introduction to the role of the director
Types of business entities
Module B: The Duties of Directors
Statutory duties
Non statutory duties
Duties analysed in detail
Module C: The Liabilities of Directors
Non-Executive and independant directors
Directors liabilities and Ultra Vires
Identification of directors
Module D: Other Key Issues for Directors
The solvency and liquidity test
Financial Assistance
Directors personal financial interests
The company secretary
Audit committees
Chapter 6 Business rescue and compromise with creditors
CIPC and the Companies Tribunal
Module E: Introduction to Corporate Governance
Module F: The Public Finance Management Act
General Provisions
Responsibilities and offerings
Executive authorities and financial misconduct
Inputs from the course leader assist learners to relate the theory to practical examples from their own businesses. Comprehensive workbook with case studies and practical examples.
Course duration is one day.
All individuals who need to reduce risk and improve their knowledge levels and the performance of an existing business.