TypeOnsite Course
PriceR 4950
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LifeWise Plus aims to provide awareness and skills in the management of personal financial life skills. The programme facilitates the taking of responsibility for one’s own financial affairs with knowledge and confidence.


Pictorial graphics in a delegate workbook as well as a range of case study and workshop work. Discussion exercises in small groups facilitates transfer of learning into the delegate’s life experience.


Course duration is two days. Presented in company. Further programmes can be conducted by licenced instructors on a modular basis.


Supervisory and management level employees who need to take better control of their personal financial planning and well being.

TOOLKIT: Useful numbers, websites, tips & forms

• Forms for use in goal setting, budgeting & financial control
• Pension Fund Adjudicator
• Council for Medical Schemes
• Ombudsman for Banking, Credit Information ,
• Ombudsman for Financial Advisory & Intermediary Services
• Ombudsman for Short Term Insurance, Long Term Insurance
• The National Credit Act (1st July 2007)

Section 1Salary Deductions
Lecture 1Retirement Funding
Lecture 2SITE/PAYE
Lecture 3Medical Aid
Lecture 4UIF
Lecture 5Garnishee Orders
Lecture 6Administration of the Courts
Lecture 7Insolvency and Liquidation Module
Section 2Banking
Lecture 8The purpose of banking
Lecture 9Basic banking services
Lecture 10Other banking services
Lecture 11Banking: Money saving tips
Section 3Budgeting
Lecture 12Steps in Budgeting
Lecture 13Essential Expenses
Lecture 14Non-Essential Expenses
Lecture 15How to draw up and manage a budget
Lecture 16Reviewing the budget
Section 4Credit
Lecture 17Instalment Sale Agreements
Lecture 18Buying a house
Lecture 19Buying a vehicle
Lecture 20Tips for managing your credit
Section 5Savings
Lecture 21Saving and compound interest
Lecture 22Savings options
Lecture 23Emergency fund
Section 6Thinking Ahead
Lecture 24Insurance
Lecture 25Life Assurance
Lecture 26Marriage and Money
Lecture 27Wills and Testaments
Section 7The Financial Rescue Plan
Lecture 28The Financial Rescue Plan
Lecture 29The Road to Recovery
Lecture 30Setting Financial Goals